Team Jane1


Marketing Manager
  • B.EqSci

As a Marketing Manager, with a background in animal health, distribution, and stockbroking industries, Jane has developed a strong skill set in sales and marketing that is highly transferable to the field of behavioural support.

With over 10 years of experience in the animal and human health distribution industry, she has gained valuable skills in sales, marketing, and strategic planning. She is dedicated to developing and implementing effective marketing strategies that raise awareness of the importance of behavioural support and the services that are available to those who need them.

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Service Early Child@2x
Early Childhood Intervention
Parent Training NDIS
Parent Training
Service Schl @2x
School Consultations
Service Profdev@2x
Professional Development Points for Behaviour Analysts
Behaviour Support For Children
Behaviour Support For Children
Sbso Adolescents@2x
Behaviour Support For Adolescents
Sbso Adults@2x
Behaviour Support For Adults
Sbso Olderadults@2x
Behaviour Support For Older Adults