Team Komala1

Komala Kyme

Director Clinical Services (NSW)
  • M.Ed.(ABA)
  • M.Teach. (Secondary)
  • Bachelor of Visual Arts
  • NDIS Practitioner ID: P1570022

Komala is a Board-Certified Behaviour Analyst who began her career in the field of disability in 2009 while completing her Masters in Teaching at the University of Sydney. She quickly discovered that she had a passion for the field and since that time Komala has worked with and alongside a wide variety of individuals of all ages and backgrounds in a range of settings including home, school and adult services.

As an Education Consultant and PECS Trainer for many years, she has delivered training, coaching and supervision to teachers, allied health professionals, parents and carers across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.

Komala believes strongly in a collaborative, inclusive approach that involves listening first and foremost to the individual themselves and the people that know them best.

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Service Early Child@2x
Early Childhood Intervention
Parent Training NDIS
Parent Training
Service Schl @2x
School Consultations
Service Profdev@2x
Professional Development Points for Behaviour Analysts
Behaviour Support For Children
Behaviour Support For Children
Sbso Adolescents@2x
Behaviour Support For Adolescents
Sbso Adults@2x
Positive Behaviour Support For Adults
Sbso Olderadults@2x
Behaviour Support For Older Adults